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An Analysis of the Construction Process of the New Retail Business Model of E-Commerce Enterprises—Based on Suning’s Case Study

Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2019, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2019.85116
Innovations in the retail business model have never stopped. As Ma Yun proposed the concept of “new retail” at Alibaba’s October 2016 conference, a new round of business model reforms began. In the next decade, the new retail business model will undoubtedly become the main theme of the e-commerce business transformation and upgrading. How to establish a competitive new retail business model has very important research value. As one of the leading companies in the e-commerce retail industry, Suning e-commerce has accumulated rich experience in business model building after 27 years of development. Suning is now the first to propose the concept of “intelligent retail” business model, leading the wave of new retail transformation. Therefore, this article will use Suning as an example, using a case study method based on grounded theory to analyze the construction process of Suning’s new retail business model, analyze the key elements and characteristics of the new retail model construction process, and explore the universality. The path of the new retail business model for e-commerce retailers is expected to be able to serve as a reference for the theoretical and practical research of the new retail model transformation of e-commerce companies in China.

武汉理工大学学报 , 2008,
Abstract: ?皮层脑电图信号(electrocorticogram,ecog)非平稳,如何提取有效的特征,设计恰当的分类器是ecog脑-机接口研究的关键问题。该文提出了基于希尔伯特-黄变换的ecog窄带特征提取和压缩方法,并且封装了粒子群优化和c-均值算法以调整特征权重,改善分类效果。采用bcicompetitioniii数据集i进行实验,结果表明:只需6个电极即可获得93%的分类精度。
Innovation in the Path of Ideological and Political Education in Joint Training of Graduate Students—A Study Based on the Perspective of Collaborative Education

Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.1211847
Abstract: 以协同育人理念引领联合培养研究生中思想政治教育的路径创新,既是数字媒体时代思想政治教育复杂性和艰巨性的内在要求,也是基于新时代高等教育工作的整体考量,更是高校在思想政治工作中长期探索出的宝贵经验。在高等教育工作的新形势下,联合培养研究生的思想政治教育也面临着新的挑战,如高校与联合培养基地之间的协同机制不健全、各部门之间协同育人的合力与效能有待提升,及在思想政治教育中协同育人的工作理念有待走深走实等等。对此,本文提出“顶层设计–协同育人–跟踪考核”的全过程实践路径,着力加强联合培养研究生的顶层设计,建立健全一体联动的工作机制;打造“双师制”的育人主体,推动“育学”与“育人”的双向融入;聚焦思想政治教育的过程评价,设立多元化定制化的协同育人方案;优化思想政治教育的考核机制,调动协同育人的积极性和主动性,从而推动联合培养研究生的思想政治教育中协同育人的实践走深走实见实效。
Leading the path innovation of ideological and political education in joint training of graduate students with the concept of collaborative education is not only an inherent requirement of the complexity and difficulty of ideological and political education in the digital media era, but also an overall consideration of higher education work in the new era. It is also a valuable experience that universities have explored for a long time in ideological and political work. In the new situation of higher education work, the ideological and political education of jointly cultivating graduate students also faces new challenges, such as the imperfect collaborative mechanism between universities and joint training bases, the need to improve the synergy and effectiveness of collaborative education among various departments, and the need to deepen and implement the concept of collaborative education in ideological and political education. In this regard, this article proposes a full process practical path of “top-level design - collaborative education - tracking and assessment”, focusing on strengthening the top-level design of joint training of graduate students, and establishing a sound working mechanism of integrated linkage; create a “dual teacher system” as the main body of education, and promote the two-way integration of “education” and “education”; Focusing on the process evaluation of ideological and political education, establishing diversified and customized collaborative education programs; optimize the assessment mechanism of ideological and political education, mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of collaborative education, and promote the practice of collaborative education in the joint training of graduate students to deepen and achieve practical results.
天然气工业 , 2011,
Abstract: ?尽管全低温深冷橡胶粉碎工艺的产品粒度小、表面光滑且均匀、产品性能很好,但较之常温橡胶粉碎工艺其设备投资大、冷媒消耗量高、生产成本及运行成本也大大增加,导致其产品价格失去市场竞争优势。为此,通过对比研究,提出了常温—低温结合橡胶粉碎工艺,即前段工艺采用常温法粉碎废旧轮胎,将废旧轮胎处理成20~30目的粗胶粉,后段采用低温法进一步粉碎粗胶粉。该工艺产品的质量完全可以达到全低温深冷橡胶粉碎工艺产品质量的水平,但投资成本却大大降低,且较低的冷媒(液氮)消耗量也降低了产品成本,是一种经济合理、成熟先进的橡胶粉碎工艺。

生物化学与生物物理进展 , 1983,

科学通报 , 2006,
Abstract: 根据美国NOAA向外长波辐射逐日资料以及CMAP降水和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用功率谱和带通滤波等方法,探讨在气候平均状况下亚洲季风区各子系统的季节内演变特征;研究中南半岛南部、孟加拉湾东岸、南海以及印度次大陆各地区夏季风的爆发、推进过程,给出在亚洲夏季风爆发、推进过程中OLR、降水及风场突变的物理图像.指出亚洲夏季风平均于5月第2侯首先在中南半岛南端及其毗邻的安达曼海爆发.
草地学报 , 2011, DOI: 10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2011.03.005
Abstract: 利用幂乘方法则定量地探明内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔额尔古纳草原在刈割和放牧2种利用方式下,植被的空间分布特性及其群落的物种组成、物种多样性等。结果表明割草地和放牧地的构成植物种对幂乘方法则具有很好的吻合性;2种不同利用方式下的草地均呈现了比随机分布强的空间异质性,且割草地的物种数、物种多样性指数(H′)、均匀度指数(J′)和群落整体的空间异质性指数(δc)均大于放牧地;草地在放牧利用后,轮叶委陵菜(Potentillaverticillaris)、蒲公英(Taraxacumofficinale)、车前(Plantagoasiatica)等退化草地的指标植物种增加,而冰草(Agropyroncristatum)、无芒雀麦(Bromusinermis)和羊茅(Festucaovina)等禾本科优良牧草只在割草地出现。

中国图书馆学报 , 2000,
Abstract: 为提高图书馆的文献保障能力,在信息网络空前发展的环境下,图书馆的文献资源建设应注重两方面:一是发展现实馆藏,继续开发社会的非网络信息资源;二是大力开发网络信息资源,建立虚拟馆藏。参考文献20。

大地测量与地球动力学 , 2013,
Abstract: ?对2010年6月22日宁夏永宁M4.9地震震中距1000km范围内不同台站记录的sPn、Pn震相进行了初步分析,利用二者的到时差计算该次地震的震源深度,并讨论了用sPn测定震源深度的可能性及其应用。

科技进步与对策 , 2005,
Abstract: 随着组织不断展开的变革活动,人力资源部门的战略地位提升,而作为其中的重要环节――绩效评估,其角色也发生着改变,即由职能性绩效评估走向战略性绩效评估。着重论述了战略性绩效评估的地位和意义;探讨了战略性绩效评估的多维内容:任务绩效、关系绩效、适应性绩效;提出多特质―多评估人的设计是更可行的评估思路;最后剖析了战略性绩效评估对组织实践的价值。战略性绩效评估适应性绩效多特质―多评估人

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